Los Cabos Hotel
Hampton Inn Hotel
La Velaria in Los Cabos for the Hampton Inn hotel is a collaborative project of Hyparch. With nearly 400 m2 of Serge Ferrari 902 S2 membrane roof made with high-tech radiofrequency.
Los Cabos Velaria, Hampton Inn Hotel
Los Cabos Velaria, Hampton Inn Hotel
Hyparch has a network of clients and allies at a national and international level with whom it collaborates to carry out large tensile structure projects in Mexico and abroad with close to 400Due to the strong winds and risk of hurricanes La Velaria in Los Cabos.
Hotel Hampton Inn has an anti-cyclone system. Far from making a tense structure resistant to hurricanes, the above consists of a set of pulleys to facilitate its disassembly in the event of a timely cyclone alert. m2 of membrane roof Serge Ferrari 902 S2 made with high-tech radiofrequency.